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So the practice of Pranayama brings tranquility. Thus, we can develop a richer inner life and a deep sense of spiritual balance. With this inner vitality, our ability to withstand harsh tests and shock becomes stronger.


During your journey with Anurag Evasion, we will teach you breathing techniques of Pranayam that you will practice regularly and will provide you grasp this tranquility.


Spiritual benefits

One of the most important psycho-practice regulation of respiration advantages is the confidence it gives practitioners of self-regulation in other areas of their lives.

As you stimulate the relaxation response, you are able to be calmer in many areas of life.

Besides, As you increase the oxygen level in your blood every day, your cellular respiration becomes more efficient and your energy level starts to build.

Moreover, as you start to see success in many areas, confidence becomes a boost growth and confidence brings a higher level of performance and further enhance self-confidence.

That's why the practice of Pranayama is the boot pump mechanism that starts the virtuous cycle of feeling good.

Emotional psycho benefits

Pranayama has particular beneficial effects on our nervous system! The latter consists of two parts. The sympathetic system, which allows us to react to stress and creates this effect "adrenaline". The parasympathetic system that helps relax the body.

Nowadays, the sympathetic system is much sought. This state of almost constant stress is conducive to the development of heart disease and high blood pressure, digestive disorders, diabetes, back pain, joint pain, autoimmune disorders, and insomnia.

Therefore, a daily practice of pranayama stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system as well or better than any other activity during your trip with Anurag Evasion, we will learn the natural techniques that will enable you to fight against stress, regain your balance and relax.

Physiological benefits

The effects of the practice of Pranayama can be compared to cleaning a dirty sponge!
How? Scientists estimate that we have more than two liters of fluid in our body that are not contained in our cells, but can be found around our blood vessels, our bodies and our cells. When we inhale, our breath between and thus produces a saturation of our fabrics. When we exhale, our breath leaves our fabrics that twist and then leak the "interstitial fluid."

In addition, when we practice full yogic breathing, we also increase the speed of fluids moving through all the tissues of our body. So it promotes an increase nutrition to the cells, more efficient waste disposal and a better immune defense.

During your journey with Anurag Evasion, we will explain and you will experience all the other physical benefits of the practice of Pranayama.

Physical benefits

Pranayama is the art of controlling his breathing effectively. These breathing techniques can bring more oxygen in the blood and brain.
The union of Pranayama and yoga is considered as the highest form of purification and self-discipline, covering both mind and body.
Thus, we practice Pranayama in various yoga postures.
Pranayama techniques are also preparing us for a deeper experience of meditation

What is Pranayama?
What are benefits of Pranayama?

The breath is one of the gateways to the capabilities of the human nervous system, as it affects all aspects of our being:



We organize yoga retreats in the Himalayas, during which you can enjoy yoga sessions dedicated to your well-being.

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