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Anurag, our yoga teacher, studied yoga in schools world-renowned Bihar School of Yoga, where he also lived for many months.
He learned Iyengar Yoga with Dr. Rajvi Mehta, who is a certified Iyengar teacher 's in Mumbai. He has also studied Ashtanga Yoga.

What is yoga?

Anurag explains what yoga is for him:
"" Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning "union."
But the union of  whom? Union of what?
Yoga is both  science and art.
Yoga has two aspects: social and physical.

On the physical level, through various techniques, it gives  health benefits and a perfect body. Asanas (yoga postures) purify the body, make it healthy and free from diseases. How? Asanas :
-exercise every muscle, organ and gland
-soothe the nerves
-remove all toxins from the body.

In life, a lot of commotion and stress are caused by our endless desire (that of our senses) and our uncontrolled mind. Through various techniques of yoga, you learn to control his mind and tame the thirst for meaning (our sensory organs). So, peace and tranquility in his life is obtained. Yogic techniques make us strong emotionally. Thus, harmony reigns in the different situations in our lives. We will control our bodies and our minds.
When we have a healthy body and a healthy mind, we can really enjoy life.

Socially, through its techniques, we learn to live in peace and love of our society and our environment. Through yogic techniques, we learn to live with love and harmony with our family, our friends, our colleagues, our company, with everyone.

Yoga is the union of the body with the mind and the union between you and your friends, your family, society, nature and with everyone.

I can say all this with my own experience. I experienced all these things and yoga has changed my life! That is why I will always be grateful to yoga.


During our yoga retreat, I want to share this knowledge with my friends travelers. During our yoga retreat, each participant is like a family member. Our goal is to bring more positivity and happiness in your life. After that stay with us, you will be a different person. "

Beaucoup de poses de  yoga et d'exercices visent à améliorer le fonctionnement des organes spécifiques du corps. La pratique des poses de yoga permettent donc de mettre fin aux zones douloureuses de votre corps.

Qu'est ce que le yoga thérapeutique?

The practice of yoga makes the body strong and flexible.
  -The joints are lubricated through the various postures that increase the production of synovial fluid.
- Optimal Relaxation of muscles
- Feeling of well-being related to stretching
- Improved balance and concentration
- Relief of tension through the circulation of energy in the body
- Elimination of toxins from the body
- Decrease of sleep disorders
-Also improves the functioning of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and hormonal systems.
-Provides emotional stability and clarity of mind
- Improved stamina through breath control with Pranayama...

What will you gain thanks to yoga?

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